Dr : Omayma Mohamed Ahmed Hassanin

Dr : Omayma Mohamed Ahmed Hassanin

Omayma Hassanin MD. PhD.

Name:         Omayma Mohamed Ahmed Hassanin.                                        


Work:                   Medical Research Center, MRC, Faculty of Medicine-Ain Shams University Hospitals,   Abassia, Cairo, Egypt.

e-mail:  omhassanin@yahoo.com





Dec 1990:

M.B., B.Ch. Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University. Grade: Very good with honors.


Nov 1995:

M.Sc., Master of Clinical & Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University.


Nov. 2002:

M.D. degree in Clinical & Chemical Pathology & Oncology Laboratory Medicine, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University.


Sep. 2009:

Associate Consultant of clinical Pathology at Molecular & Cytogenetic Unit of MRC.


Nov. 2017:

          Consultant of clinical Pathology at Molecular & Cytogenetic Unit of MRC.



Mar 1991-Feb 1992:

Residence in Ain-Shams University Hospitals.


May 1992-July 1993:

Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Ain-Shams University Hospitals with round-shift in different routine diagnostic laboratories (Hematology, Bacteriology, Immunology & Biochemistry).


Aug 1993- June 1996:

Research assistant in collaborative M.D.: Effect of Chemical Mutagenic Agent on Chromosomal Pattern of Egyptian Kwashiorkor Infants.

Techniques Employed: Cytogenetic Analysis (Karyotyping, sister chromatid exchange & micronucleus), Molecular Genetics (In situ hybridization & Polymerase Chain Reaction; PCR), tissue culture technique.


Aug 1994- Aug 1996:

Research assistant in collaborative project: Evaluation of cancer risk in Schistosomiasis by different genetic approaches, University of Texas & Department of Community, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University.


Sept 1996 to date:

Consultant of Clinical Pathology at Medical Research Center, Molecular Genetic Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University Hospital.


*Cytogenetic Lab infrastructure and equipment:

The lab divided into 2 partitions:

  1. Sterile culture preparation room equipped with:
  1. Laminar flow.
  2. Incubator.


  1. Slide preparation and analysis room equipped with:


  1. Water-bath.
  2. Dye unit.
  3. Image analysis system supported by fluorescent microscope.
  4. Refrigerator.


*Research facilities:

1- Karyotyping.

2- FISH.


*Department cooperates:

-Pediatric & genetic department.

- Different Oncology departments.

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