FACULty of Medicine Ain ShamS ReSearch InSTITUTE - MoleCULar Genome Unit

FACULty of Medicine Ain ShamS ReSearch InSTITUTE - MoleCULar Genome Unit


Unit Introduction:

The Molecular Biology Unit was established in 1996 and the unit is equipped with all the capabilities that allow researchers and faculty members from inside and outside the university and interested in molecular biology and genome research .


The unit has been completely updated, whether at the infrastructure level or at the hardware level, by adding the latest advanced devices to the unit, such as NGS devices and the droplet digital PCR, which urged a qualitative shift in the level of existing research and to be done in the center.



Teaching and training courses for undergraduates and post -graduates :

  1. MASRI molecular research unit put in use all the facilities available to help educate and train medical students in the field of medical molecular genetics through the highly equipped and renovated molecular labs. This applies to governmental and private universities and institutes. eg: postgraduate students training from parasitology department, training courses for undergraduate students from German University in Egypt .
  2. Post graduates (Master, MD, or Researchers) benefit from the highly

equipped molecular labs in getting molecular consultation and molecular laboratory assistance during completing their practical molecular part of the thesis .

  1. Organizing Molecular course in International conferences (BGICC and IGULC).


4. Organizing workshops and training courses to

increase the laboratory experiences of the participants.







CEO Words

Prof. Hesham Elghazaly

Head of Masri

On behalf of Ain Shams University and the MASRI team, I am honored to invite you to collaborate with this new hub for research and knowledge transfer...

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