FACULty of Medicine Ain ShamS ReSearch InSTITUTE Cancer Biobank

FACULty of Medicine Ain ShamS ReSearch InSTITUTE Cancer Biobank


Unit Introduction:

MASRI Cancer Biobank is the platform perform an organized collection of human biological material and associated patient information (clinical, demographic, genetic,...etc) stored for one or more research purposes."



1. Announcement & Publicity

MASRI Cancer Biobank was announced for the first time in the 9th Breast- Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference.



2. Organizing MASRI Biobank Course in the following conferences:

  1. The 9th Breast-Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference.
  2. The 6th GastroIntestinal, Liver & UroOncology Conference.
  3. The 10th Breast-Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference.
  4. The 7th GastroIntestinal, Liver & UroOncology Conference.
  5. The 11th Breast-Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference.
  6. The 8th GastroIntestinal, Liver & UroOncology Conference.
  7. The 12th Breast-Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer Conference.


      3. Organizing MASRI Biobank workshops:

  • Networking Workshop, 2019
  • ISO 20-387 Implementation Workshop, 2020

           4. Participation in the International Conference on Risk

                         Assessment of Environmental Geno toxicants

           5. Participation in the 24th Alexander Hollander International Course

           6. Establishing Networking for biobanks in Egypt


CEO Words

Prof. Hesham Elghazaly

Head of Masri

On behalf of Ain Shams University and the MASRI team, I am honored to invite you to collaborate with this new hub for research and knowledge transfer...

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Abassia, Cairo, Egypt

(+202) 23929305