Dr. Amany Mohamed Maher, PhD

Dr. Amany Mohamed Maher, PhD

Dr. Amany Mohamed Maher, PhD


Ass. Consultant of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams Research Institute (MASRI),
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

Dr. Amany M. Maher is an Assistant Consultant of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She is the Executive Director of MASRI Cancer Biobank. She obtained her PhD in the diagnosis of bladder cancer through molecular techniques.


She is expert in Biobanking Sciences and Experienced Skills in Biobanking Sciences, Oncology and Clinical Research through attending many training activities in WHO through attending a training workshop in biobanking with collaboration with BCNet and IARC and another international workshop titled “Biobanking for Rare Diseases” and a symposium titled “Bridging Biobanks in MENA Countries to Promote Research and Healthcare” took place in Izmir, Turkey with collaboration with BBMRI- ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-European Research Infrastructure Consortium). She had also attended a workshop in biobanking and the annual meeting held by ISBER (International Society of Biological and Environmental Repositories) in Dallas, USA and a Biobank and Molecular training in Fudan Cancer Hospital in Shanghai, China.


Dr. Maher is Chair of the ISO/TC/MC 276- 20387 (Biobanking) in the Egyptian Organization for Standardization & Quality (ISO) and active member in multiple of International organizations including BCNet-WHO, ISBER and Canadian Repository Network.

DR. Maher is the coordinator of MASRI Cancer Biobank course in BGICC (Breast- Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer conference) since 2017 till 2020, and the coordinator of MASRI Cancer Biobank course in IGULC (The International Gastrointestinal, liver & Uro-Oncology Conference) (IGILUC) since 2018 up till now.


Dr. Maher had attended several Bioinformatic worshop , summer and winter schools in Nile university. She is the teaching assistant of the bioinformatics course (Introduction to Bioinformatics (IBT) 2020) in collaboration with H3ABionet the Pan African Bioinformatics Network of H3Africa for 3 months that will be held in MASRI.


Dr. Maher is collaborating in many research projects funded by Egyptian National Research Center (NRC), STDF and other academic parties. She is supervising many ongoing research thesis (masters and PhDs) in MASRI. Dr. Maher had many scientific publications nationally and internationally.


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